James Lee Hardman Jr, Founder of Rivecoin, Cannapay and other successful blockchain projects, launched Rive Games, a blockchain, web3 and traditional video game firm. Since the successful launch of Rive Games, it’s equity token “GAME” has rose more than 50 percent on the Stellar Dex.

Hardman ‘s oversites will be wide, including the growth of Rive Games as an entire ecosystem of various games, creators, channel partners, and L1/L2 blockchains operating on multiple chains. In addition, he will oversee fund-raising initiatives, alliances, and other strategic choices, according to a report interview.  Rive Games with the help of Sacramento Blockchain Group intends to improve interoperability across current blockchain networks so that developers are not obliged to use only a small number of blockchains to carry out their ideas.

Hardman plans to address one of the most prevalent issues in the NFT (non-fungible token) gaming industry: the lack of fully accessible blockchain infrastructure for developers.

For more information follow James Hardman @theofficialcryptoguy https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=7000111904084047802