Cryptocurrency is simply a digital version of money that uses cryptography for security. It is a digital asset intended to be used as a means of exchange between two partners. The key feature of the cryptocurrency is its organic nature; It is not issued by any central bank or authority, making it immune to government interference and / or manipulation. Cryptocurrencies are usually stored in a digital wallet, protected by a private key. Bitcoin, created in 2009, was the first decentralized cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency is becoming more than just a digital currency. You have now reached the level where it is called a digital asset. Many investors assume that cryptocurrencies will be very valuable. This is due to the blockchain technology used in cryptocurrencies, which makes it extremely secure.

Many investors also use it as a hedge or insurance policy to protect themselves from inflation, Wall Street manipulation, and the amount of money the Federal Reserve is printing. It is considered an “off-grid” investment, so it is difficult for governments to manipulate it like other currencies.

The first digital currency was Bitcoin, mined by millions of people in various parts of the world. It was Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator under the pseudonym Bitcoin, who built his decentralized system that anyone could participate in but no one could own. Ironically, although it was open to all, bitcoin transactions had to be anonymous. When Bitcoin was born in 2009, it was promised that it would be a universal electronic currency, which would spread around the world in a matter of minutes. However, Bitcoin has qualities that make it not only a currency, but also a store of value and a payment network.

Bitcoin’s exponential spike has piqued the interest of major banks and even Wall Street. For example, in 2010 on the forum, a developer bought two pizzas and paid for the purchase with bitcoins. Fast forward a few years, and the value of these bitcoins jumped to $ 425 million. Now they are trading at more than $ 2,600, but there is next to nothing to spend them on.

The software maintains a constantly updated ledger that records all Bitcoin transactions. The code fixes the shortage of bitcoins and mining introduces new bitcoins at regular intervals. This way of earning bitcoins consists of solving the mathematical problems necessary to confirm the transactions. Successful solving of these problems through mathematical calculations triggers the creation of more money.

One of the biggest competitors to Bitcoin is Darkcoin, a digital money wallet. Dash’s stellar success is due in part to Bitcoin’s shortcomings and limitations. This cryptocurrency appeared after the rise in the price of bitcoins in January 2014. Dash is one of the most popular digital currencies, promising untraceable transactions. Despite seeing many dumps, its creator continued to add new features and improve the software. In 2015, it was renamed Dash to avoid confusion with a single function currency. Little by little, Dash gained legitimacy and the total value of its coin grew every year.

People use many currencies younger than Bitcoin for much more universal purposes. This means that Bitcoin is threatened by more agile competitors such as Litecoin, Zcash, and Monero. On the other hand, just when Bitcoin is struggling with the US dollar, the new cryptocurrencies are facing an uphill battle against Bitcoin, which has the largest user base and the widest name recognition.

There are many billions of dollars in digital currencies in the world today. In 2017, the combined market value of digital currencies was around $ 100 billion. Depending on the market capitalization, the price of digital currencies can be ten times higher than that of the largest companies.

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